Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ancient Israel

  Thank you Gracie for the health lesson on Eating the Rainbow yesterday!

We had fun yesterday finding out about the Ancient Israelites.  We took a speedy tour of the past from Abraham leaving Ur in 1800 BC to the rebuilding of the Temple in 538 BC.    It was fun to let the students dress up and do a quick role play of the history.  They got to be roped into the Twelve Tribes of Israel, split into Israel and Juday, then taken over by the Assyrians, then the Babylonians, then the Persians, then the Greeks, and then back to independence again.  (We went a little farther up the timeline in our role playing to get in the Macabees kicking the Greeks out)
The kids also got to see how the Phoenicians developed an alphabet that was the beginnings of our Latin alphabet and the Hebrew alphabet.  We even practiced writing the Shema, which is prayed at least twice day.  Here is what it looks like in Hebrew and English:

For fun here is a funny video about Israel and a game about one of Israel's leaders and his lost tomb.

Israel explained in 5 minutes Video

Herod's Lost Tomb Game

History of the Phoenicians Video   

Evan is set to do the health lesson the next time we meet, which will be Jan 21st.  See you then!

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