Monday, November 30, 2015

Ancient China

We studied Ancient China last time and I totally forgot to post about it!  ARG!
Anyway, we discussed the unique geography of China and its isolation.  The large deserts that span the western side of China kept it isolated and allowed the civilization to develop independently from other ancient civilizations.  The Chinese came up with their own writing, crops, technology, religion, and societal structure.  We also talked about the Xia Dynasty, which is considered a myth by some scholars, as the 1st dynasty in China.  (Although we also mentioned the remains of an older civilization that has been discovered recently)  The Xia left no written records, and if they were real they were defeated by the Shang Dynasty who did develop the writing that we tried out.
The kids got to try a chopstick/rice relay.  It is harder than you think!
We discussed the image of the dragon and how it is an important animal in Chinese myths and legends.  Then we made dragons of our own.
They also tried painting Chinese characters, specifically the one for "hope." Several of the kids tried other words and their names as well.

I found a neat documentary on Ancient China.  It's 50 minutes long, but it has some really great info in it.
Ancient Civilizations and Theocracies: China Part 1

Thank you Lydia! She did a nice job doing our health lesson.  She taught everyone about Dyslexia and described how it can effect learning and communicating.
I believe Gracie is up to do our health lesson this week as we travel back to Egypt for History!

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