Michael - Homer
Siddhartha Gautama - Lydia
Confucius - Evan
Aristotle - Lyla
Alexander the Great - Celee
Asoka - Gwyn
Shihuangdi - Bella
Pericles - Olivia
Socrates - Gracie
*This does not have to be some huge report. Just a few facts that each student can learn about their person and tell the others about. If you'd like to find and show a picture or drawing of the person that would be great, but not required.
We worked on an Ancient Greece foldable, with the sections for Ancient Greece (Minoa and Mycenae), City-States (Athens and Sparta), Persia Invades (Battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, and Plataea), and Age of Pericles. We didn't get to the Age of Pericles yet.
We watched an episode of Horrible Histories about the Battle of Marathon. If you'd like to watch it again (or for the first time) Here it is: Battle of Marathon
We watched a small portion of the History Channel documentary on the Battle of Thermopylae. The whole thing is 1 1/2 hr. long and bloody in some spots, so we just watched some highlights. Here is the link if you'd like to see it: History Channel: Battle of Thermopylae
Here are some other videos and interactive sights that have some cool info about Ancient Greece.
History Channel - Crash Course on Greek Gods
Myth of Prometheus

Explore Ancient Greece

Adventures in Ancient Greece Game