Rome wasn't built in a day, but we learned it in one. Well, we blew through the high points anyway. We took a look at Attila the Hun and Alaric the Visigoth as lesser known great leaders who fought and defeated Romans. We also talked about the various factors that led to Rome's fall, like the tension between the rich and poor, slave and free, political corruption, and the Empire that worked best when it had territory to claim and loot to bring home. When it got so big it outstretched its resources and had to go on the defensive, it was never as secure. And so goes Rome. By 476 AD, the Eastern Roman Empire (the one we think of as "Rome") is gone. But the Western Roman Empire lives on for another 1000 years, we just think if it as the Byzantine Empire. But that lesson is for another day. In the meantime, here are lots of links with cool stuff about the Roman Empire.
40 Maps that Explain \
Roman Empire
Reading Comprehension Video on The Punic Wars
You Wouldn't Want to be a Roman Gladiator
Romans Invade Britain Video
Jeffery Lewis Sings About the Fall of Rome
Fall of Rome Lesson Video
Video Lesson on Germanic Invasions of Rome
Video on the Colosseum